Taking Care of Older Trees

By | Tree Care, Tree Maintence | No Comments

Why it’s important to maintain mature trees.

Mature trees on your property can provide significant value if they are taken care of properly. They provide shade, wind protection, aesthetic value, and air purification. Regular preventative maintenance is a good idea to ensure your mature trees are happy and healthy.

Maintenance checklist for mature trees. 

  1. Tree Inspection
    • Routine inspections can identify any early signs of disease, insect or environmental problems before they become serious.
    • Inspections should be performed once a year to assess the health and vitality of a mature tree.
    • Assessments are made based on several observable characteristics.
      • New Leaf or bud formation
      • Leaf size
      • Twig Growth
      • Crown Dieback
      • Trunk Decay
  2. Mulching
    • Add a 2 to 4-inch layer of mulch, covering the root system.
    • Leave a 1 to 2-inch mulch-free area around the base of the trunk.
    • Mulching reduces competition for nutrients from weeds and grass.
    • Organic mulch made from shredded leaves, pine straw, peat moss, or composted wood chips will decompose over time, improving the overall soil biology.
  3. Soil Management
    • Urban soil often lacks the correct nutrients, proper drainage, pH balance and space for mature trees to flourish
    •  Have an ISA certified Arborist test your soil for proper nutrients.
    • Laboratory results will help identify the proper treatment for soil deficiencies.
  4. Pruning
    • Removing dead, diseased or insect-infested branches is necessary to maintain tree structure and improve the vitality of a mature tree.
    • The removal of the wrong branches may have a lasting negative effect on the health of your mature tree.
    • Pruning can be dangerous, involving complex tools and techniques.
    • Personal safety is always a factor when pruning mature trees.
    • Contact an ISA Certified arborists for help pruning your mature trees.

Seven Reasons Why You Need Mulch!

By | Tree Care, Tree Maintence | No Comments

What is Mulch?

Mulch comes in inorganic and organic forms. Inorganic mulches include most store-bought solutions like stone, lava rock, rubber chips, and other materials. Inorganic mulches do not have the qualities or benefits of organic mulches. Organic mulches include wood chips, pine needles, bark, leaves and other types of plate tissue.

Placing mulch materials over the soil surface can be one of the most important things a homeowner does for the health of their trees. Here are eight reasons to provide your tree with some surface mulch.

Benefits of Proper Mulching

  1. Reduces evaporation of soil moisture.
  2. Helps to mitigate weed germination and growth.
  3. Insulates soil, protecting roots from extreme temperature fluctuations during the summer and winter.
  4. Can improve soil biology, aeration, structure, and drainage.
  5. Inhibits certain types of plant diseases.
  6. Reduces the chances of damage from weed whackers and lawns mowers.
  7. Gives planting beds a clean and properly maintained appearance.

Don’t Over Do It!

A two to four-inch layer of mulch around the base of your tree is all you need to reap the benefits of mulching. Avoid over piling mulch at the base of your trees and make sure to replenish appropriately over time. Organic mulches will breakdown and eventually decompose.

Where Can I Get Free Mulch? 

Glad you asked! ArborPros provides free mulch and free residential delivery. You can reach out here to schedule a drop-off. 


Three Types of Bugs That Can Infest Your Trees

By | Insects & Diseases | No Comments

Chewing Insects

Insects that munch on different plant tissue, are categorized as chewing insects. They eat leaves, flowers, buds, roots, and twigs. Common chewing insects include beetles and caterpillars. Leaf notching, leaf mining and leaf skeletonizing (basically chewed up leaves) are all signs that you have chewing insect problem.

Sucking Insects

Insects that like to feed off the juices of trees are known as sucking insects. They insert their beak into the tissues of leaves, twigs, branches, flowers or fruit and feed on the plant’s juices. Aphids, mealy bugs, thrips, and leafhoppers are examples of sucking insects. Discoloration, drooping, wilting and leaf spots are all signs you have sucking insects hanging out in your tree.

Boring Insects

Boring insects like to hide beneath the surface. They spend their time living and feeding beneath the bark of a tree as larvae. Bark beetles are a type of boring insect that mate on the bark or surface of a tree but lay eggs in tunnels beneath the bark.

What should I do about my insect problem? 

While some insects pose a threat to the health and vitality of your trees, remember that most insects are actually beneficial to the health of your trees. They pollinate and act as a predator towards potentially harmful chewing, sucking and boring insects. If you are able to identify signs of insect infestation and damage to plant tissue, the solution is not to go wild with pesticide and potentially harmful solutions. It’s best not to negatively disturb the complex ecosystem trees thrive under. Instead, contact a certified ISA Arborists for a professional consultation.

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